Viajero Confiable


Important: To generate the application, deactivate the pop-up blocker in your browser and check to see that you have installed Acrobat Reader. It is essential that you have an email account. correo electrónico.

 Important: You will have to fill in each one of the fields in the application with true information, and if you provide false information to the immigration authority, you will be penalized under the Immigration Act, its regulations and other applicable legal provisions.

Type of transaction

Personal Information

Identification document

Home address

Membership information

Additional information

Contact information

Add the email address where the notifications associated with your transactions will be received, as well as your telephone number.


* Mandatory fields

 Important: The immigration authority cannot amend the information provided by the user, so any transactions that contain erroneous data will not be accepted. Any errors in the issuance of the card arising from errors in the application are the responsibility of the user.

Viajero Confiable simplified privacy notice

The National Institute of Migration (INM), through the Dirección General de Control y Verificación Migratoria [General Immigration Control and Verification Branch] is responsible for the personal data you provide through, as part of Viajero Confiable, for the purpose of obtaining membership, which allows quick and easy entry to Mexico, through automated kiosks located at participating airports. The personal data you provide will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the General Act on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Regulated Entities, and other applicable regulations.

The full privacy notice can be consulted at: